Copperhead and little dogs

There was a copperhead in the dirt pit.

Brown Dog didn’t get bit, but Yellow Dog did.

We tied her up last night so she wouldn’t go after the snake again. Yellow Dog is much better this morning.

Brown Dog thinks Yellow Dog is getting too much attention, but Gretchen likes them both.

Yellow Dog is better now, and thanks you for your concern:

They’re acting normal now.

This is better than the cottonmouth moccassin incident of last year, when they both swelled up and could hardly move.

They look all warm and cuddly, but so far they’ve taken out a beaver, at least one raccoon, and multiple rattlesnakes. Only water snakes give them problems.

The best part is they eat mice. And grasshoppers. When they can catch them.

Pictures and videos by John S. Quarterman, Lowndes County, Georgia, 1-2 April 2011.
