Turtle, Okra Paradise Farms, 19 June 2012

Walking along a drainage ditch with the dogs, Gretchen saw this interesting turtle:

John S. Quarterman, Gretchen Quarterman,
Brown Dog, Yellow Dog,
Lowndes County, Georgia, 19 June 2012.
Pictures by John S. Quarterman for Okra Paradise Farms.

We think it’s probably a slider turtle, Trachemys scripta, but it’s hard to be sure. We didn’t pick it up, because it appeared to be laying eggs.

John S. Quarterman, Gretchen Quarterman,
Brown Dog, Yellow Dog,
Lowndes County, Georgia, 19 June 2012.
Pictures by John S. Quarterman for Okra Paradise Farms.

It wasn’t the same as the slider turtle of 10 June 2012. This one was smaller, about a thousand feet away from where the other one had been, and had no marks on its back.
