Tag Archives: Google

Plan B to find a lost Android phone

How to find a lost phone in several miles of rough mowing?

After successfully examining the intelligence of a Colinus virginianus, Tractor Naturalist looked for more by mowing between the longleaf rows. The videoing phone liked those middles so much it stayed there. Or somewhere in several miles of mowing. How to find it?

Walking and looking amused the dogs, but didn’t find much. Walking and calling it at night in hopes it would light up didn’t find it, perhaps because we weren’t willing to stomp through the mowed rough in the dark.

So to google! Maybe there’s a way to make the phone tell you where it is? With most phones, you need to install an app before you lose it. But for Android phones, there’s Plan B, which you can install on your phone after you lose it.

So I did, and it started sending me email, saying it had located itself within 2415 meters, Map then within 96 meters, then 16 meters, then 6 meters (less than 20 feet). Each time it sent a map, the most recent of which is on the right here. That may look obscure to you, but to those of us who planted and weeded those rows, that green arrow is obviously six rows in and to me who just mowed, it’s right where I stopped mowing because I couldn’t see where I was going. Not bad, Plan B!

So we went with Gretchen’s phone to call mine. It rang! We tried again. She said,

It’s under my foot!

She reached down and held it up: phone found. Just like she finds rattlesnakes (but that’s another story).

I wasn’t thinking quickly enough to borrow her camera to catch her in the phone-finding act, but she took this picture of me and the dogs with the just-found phone:

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French mulberry, or dwarf mulberry, becomes beautyberry

Due to discussion on facebook with Rihard Sexton after the previous post, I dug around a bit, and discovered that beautyberry (Callicarpa americana) is also known as dwarf mulberry, French mulberry, and Spanish mulberry, sow berry, and sour berry. That last is especially a misnomer, because its berries are not sour, they taste like flowers. And it turns out that beautyberry was mentioned in books before 1800, it was just mentioned as dwarf mulberry:

Further, William Bartram did mention it in his Travels of 1791, as French mulberry. Curiously, even though Google books does have Bartram’s book, ngrams doesn’t seem to show French mulberry for that date, but does show American mulberry. Even more curious, William Bartram’s father, John Bartram, corresponded with Linnaeus, the founder of modern botanical terminology.

The currently most popular name is beautyberry, which turns out to be related to the scientific genus name, Callicarpa: Greek kalli means beautiful, and Karpos means fruit.

The plant has all sorts of uses: Continue reading

Callicarpa vs. Beautyberry

Google’s latest new thing is which show frequency ngrams, of any given word (or more than one) in books from 1600 to the present. Beware, you can end up there for hours!

Anyway, comparing the common name beautyberry to the scientific name Callicarpa americana, it seems that the “common” name is much newer, at least in books.

Beautyberry is a piney woods bush that fruits as small violet berries that make tasty jars of jelly:
