Tag Archives: corn

Squirrels in Prius

At the Toyota dealer today:

Service Rep 1: Excuse me, ma’am, can you follow me please?

Me: Ok. (walk walk walk… to the garage part of dealer) You want me in the garage?

Service Rep 1: Yes, your car is over there. (pointing)

Me: Ok. (Hood is open to what you see in photo.)


Me: Ha. Squirrels.

Service Reps (there was a crowd of them standing about): bemused looks on faces…

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Blue corn and Terry Davis

Terry Davis points out the bonnets (angled leaves on the corn ear) are a sign of Indian corn, with video:

Terry and the Indian corn bonnets

This is blue corn because Gretchen spent a lot of time last year selecting the blue kernels. Terry indicates which ears to save for seed corn (chest high, two ears per stalk, robust stalks, good condition), with video:

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USDA approves Non-GMO meat label

Now easier to vote at the checkout counter (or the farmers market), at least for non-GMO meat.

Stephanie Strom wrote for NYTimes 20 June 2013, U.S. Approves a Label for Meat From Animals Fed a Diet Free of Gene-Modified Products,

The Agriculture Department has approved a label for meat and liquid egg products that includes a claim about the absence of genetically engineered products.

It is the first time that the department, which regulates meat and poultry processing, has approved a non-G.M.O. label claim, which attests that meat certified by the Non-GMO Project came from animals that never ate feed containing genetically engineered ingredients like corn, soy and alfalfa.

Seen here.


Corn snake in the hand

Snake in the grass and in the hand:

Snake in the grass Snake in the hand

Yellow Dog caught this snake by the swamp. She set it down when I told her too (I was surprised). When she and Brown Dog went off in the brush, I picked it up to transport it where they wouldn’t get it again. Snake on the skin: Continue reading

Corn squirrels

Three squirrels on the corn trailer

Three squirrels on the corn trailer! One jumped onto a tree, then Mama Squirrel walked down the dog ramp and shook her tail at me, while a fourth squirrel appeared:

Squirrel tail and a fourth squirrel
Pictures by John S. Quarterman for Okra Paradise Farms, Lowndes County, Georgia, 4 May 2013.

While the dogs nap, a whole family of squirrels feasts on the corn.


Ready for Valdosta Farm Days

Brown Dog prepares corn while Yellow Dog says it’s time for Valdosta Farm Days!

Brown Dog with corn and Yellow Dog

You can find Gretchen with rosemary and grits and corn meal from Okra Paradise Farms at the historic Lowndes County Courthouse today from 9 AM to 1PM.

Gretchen with rosemary for Valdosta Farm Days and Yellow Dog Downtown Valdosta Farm Days

Not quite ready today, but next time: potatoes.

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Okravore supper

Pork chop, squash, brocolli, all from within 100 miles, and corn and sweet potatoes from our field:

Pork chop, corn, squash, brocolli Sweet potato pie

Pictures by Gretchen Quarterman for Okra Paradise Farms, Lowndes County, Georgia, 2012-11-15.
