Tag Archives: Rain

Protracted extreme drought: U.S. Drought Monitor, 2012-05-08

Acording to U.S. Drought Monitor, drought throughout south Georgia and surrounding areas is either extreme or exceptional, and has been for months.

Here you can see detail for Georgia:

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Groundwater levels: red

In case anybody thinks the recent rains have done away with the drought in Georgia, take a look at this USGS map of groundwater levels today:

USGS Active Groundwater Network map 18 April 2012
Legend for USGS Active Groundwater Network map 18 April 2012

South Georgia, all red and orange. Here’s more detail.

It’s also worth remembering that while our Floridan Aquifer does recharge somewhat, that much of its water has been there since the last ice age. So if we keep mining water at a rapid rate, the aquifer will keep falling.


Cypress Swamp: Dry, Filling….

Here’s a dry cypress swamp, with human for scale (hi Clayton):


That was on Monday 18 August. Here’s the same swamp on Saturday, 23 August, after 4 inches of rain from tropical storm Fay, this time with human and dog for scale:


Fay dropped 5 more inches of rain on the swamp since then. Stay tuned to see if the dog can swim.

Pictures by Gretchen.