Tag Archives: dam

Beaver Ponds, Yellow Dog, Gretchen and her Sycamore 2021-02-20

It’s good to get a little exercise.

[Log, Fungus, Yellow Dog, Sycamore]
Log, Fungus, Yellow Dog, Sycamore

Gretchen likes heaving logs under the red maples.

[Gretchen and her log]
Gretchen and her log

Beaver Pond

Birds and dogs.

[Gretchen and a beaver pond]
Gretchen and a beaver pond


We could get it down with a ladder.

[Gretchen and the lion's mane]
Gretchen and the lion’s mane

But we left it there to grow again.

This moss grows all the time.


In her habitat.

[Gretchen in the woods with vines]
Gretchen in the woods with vines

Yellow Woods Dog

Yellow Dog knows all the woods paths.

[This way?]
This way?

Upper Pond

This is also a beaver pond now, only larger than the others.

[Quite full]
Quite full

Yellow Pond Dog

Dogs like mud.

[Yellow Dog in the pond]
Yellow Dog in the pond


That tree was knee-high when we transplanted it.

[Gretchen and her Sycamore]
Gretchen and her Sycamore


What happens when you step in the mud @ Okra Paradise Farms 2012-07-22

Gretchen on the beaver dam:

Gretchen on the beaver dam

Gretchen on the beaver dam
Pictures by John S. Quarterman for Okra Paradise Farms, Lowndes County, Georgia, 22 July 2012.

Gretchen and her footprint:

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Lowered Beaver Pond

Did the great beaver dam pipe experiment succeed?


Why yes, yes it did. You can see one of the pipes underneath the second log. And the water in the beaver pond is clearly lower.

Maybe the beavers won’t gnaw down as many trees. Gnawed

Here’s where the water goes: Continue reading